
Arrange the series of photos with the Gallery feature. You can choose from two layout options: Grid or Masonry.

The Gallery feature can be placed into different blocks via Drag & Drop. To add the feature:

  • In the Site Editor, hover over the left sidebar and click Build:

  • In Features, drag Gallery and drop it to the preferred area:

Customizing Gallery

Adding and Rearranging Images

  • To add an image to your Gallery, drag and drop it into the Gallery from your computer:

Please Note: You can simultaneously add multiple images to the Gallery. Select several photos on your computer, then drag and drop them all into the Gallery in one batch.

  • To rearrange images in the Gallery, drag an item and drop it onto the desired place.

Remove the Image

To remove a photo from the Gallery, hover over it and click [x] that appears in its top-right:

Replace the Image

  • Click the Image icon on the toolbar:

Choose the variant on how you want to change the image: Upload from your computer, add from My Photos or Clouds, or use Free Photos:

Add Alt Text

To improve the SEO ranking of your website, you can add the image's Title and Description:

  • Click the Text icon on the Tooltip to open the Alt Text Toolbar.
  • Add the Title (which will be seen by hovering over the image on the Published website).
  • Add the Description (will be seen only in Metadata).

Add a Link

You can link the image to any page of your website, an external URL, file, Email, or phone via these steps:

  • Click the Link icon on the Tooltip to open the Link Settings.
  • Choose the type of the link: PageAnchorURLFileEmail Address, or Phone Number.
  • Specify the link.

If you want website visitors to open this link in a new tab, turn on the Open in the New Tab toggle.

Gallery Settings

You can modify the Layout and Design settings of the Gallery. To access the Settings:

  • Hover over a Gallery, and select the Edit button in its top-right:

  • Switch between Layout and Design tabs:

Layout Tab


You can change the appearance of the Gallery by switching between Grid and Masonry types. 

Please Note: For Masonry type, pictures should be different sizes.

  • Grid type:

  • Masonry type:

Photo Spacing

Modify Spacing for images in your Gallery. Drag the Slide Control to increase or decrease padding between the photos:

Photo Size

Change the value in the Slide Control to increase or decrease the size of images in the Gallery:

The number of pictures in a row depends on the selected photo size:

Add Photo

You can add images to the Gallery via the Layout tab. To upload a photo:

  • Click Add Photo to open the Upload Image dialog:

  • Choose how you want to change the image: Drag & DropUpload from your computer, add from My Photos or Clouds, or use Free Photos:

Design Tab

Aspect Ratio

Please Note: The feature is available only for the  Grid layout type.
Select the width-to-height ratio for the image placeholders in the  Gallery among  SquareStandardStandard (vertical),  Four-threeThree-four  (vertical)WidescreenAnamorphic Widescreen:

Show Caption

You can add a  Caption for all images in the  Gallery. To set the  Caption:
  • Enable the Show Caption toggle:
  • Change the Caption Text by clicking the Image Caption phrase below the image in your Gallery and editing or re-writing it.

You can also change the Background for the Caption:

  • Click the Square icon on the right of the Background to open the color picker.
  • Select the overlay color, and drag the control to set the Opacity level for the Caption Background.

On Click Enlarge

With the  On Click Enlarge feature, website visitors can view the full-size image by clicking on it. To enable the  On Click Enlarge feature for all images in the  Gallery:
  • Turn on the On Click Enlarge toggle.
  • Select the Theme in the drop-down below. You can set an image to display with the Light or Dark Theme on the published website.

Please Note: The On Click Enlarge feature is unavailable for an image if it is linked to a page, anchor, URL, etc. It won't affect other images in a Gallery.

Gallery Border

The  Border feature allows customers to add borders to images and change their color settings.
To enable the  Gallery Border feature:
  • Go to the Design tab on the toolbar.
  • Change the value in the Slide Control to set the border width.
  • To change the border color, click the Square icon on the right to Slide Control.
  • Select the overlay color, and drag the control to set the Opacity level for the Border.

Please Note: If the value on the Slider Controlis set to zero, the Gallery Borderfeature is disabled.

You can change a separate Border Locationby clicking a special Iconand choosing a preferable option among:

Choose a Border Location:

  • Select the desired Location from the drop-down menu:

Choose a separate Border Location:

  • Top:

  • Right:

  • Bottom:

  • Left:

Gallery Border Radius

The Gallery Border Radius settings allow changing the border radius of images in the Gallery. Use the  Slider Control to configure the Radius.
  • Choose a Range of Radius for All corners:

  • You can change a separate Range of Radius by clicking a special Icon and choosing a preferable option:

  • Select the desired corner from the drop-down menu:

Choose a separate Range of Radius:

  • Top left:

  • Top right:

  • Bottom right:

  • Bottom left:

Please Note:  Gallery Border Radius is calculated as a percentage and is shown as a numeric value in the Slider Control. At 0%, the customer will get a square image at 50% - maximum roundness.

Gallery Shadow

The  Gallery Shadow feature allows adding shadows to images in Gallery.
To enable the  Gallery Shadow feature:
  • Change the value in the Slide Control to set the shadow intensity.
  • Click the Square icon on the right of the Slide Control to open the color picker.
  • Select the overlay color, and drag the control to set the Opacity level for the Shadow.
Please Note:  If the value on the  Slider Control  is set to zero, the  Gallery Shadow  feature is disabled.

Hover Effects

Hover Effects add dynamic visual effects to the website. It helps to create more engaging and modern experiences for visitors. 

To enable the Gallery Hover:

  • Enable the Hover Effects toggle. 
  • Choose Hover Animation in the drop-down (ScaleShineGrayscale, SepiaBlur).