Online Store Discounts help you manage discount and promo codes in your Online Store.
Please Note: To be able to use Discounts you need to activate your Store first.
Discounts Management
- Hover over the left sidebar of the Site Editor, and click Store:
- Select Discounts:
- Click Add to create a new Coupon:
Coupon Fields
- Discount Code. Generate or enter a personal Discount Code.
- Discount. Choose a discount option in the drop-down: Discount, Free Shipping, Free Shipping + Discount.
- Modifier. Choose the discount type (fixed price or percentage).
- Amount. Enter the discount size (percentage cannot exceed 100%).
- Start Date and End Date. Set the validity period for the discount code (End Date requires the toggle to be switched on).
- Number of Uses. Select a usage option (Unlimited, Once per Customer, Single Use).
- Click Save to create the coupon:
- Click All Coupons to view a list of your discount coupons:
Using Discounts
- In the Online Store, select a product and click Buy Now:
- In the cart, open it to complete the checkout. Enter your discount code in the Coupon Code field and click Apply: