Booking: Service Feature

Please note: Depending on your subscription plan, the Booking features may be unavailable for your project. Only subscriptions that include MySchedulr integration will have Booking functionality.

The Service Feature allows adding a Service card to any page (except Booking):

To configure Service Settings:

  • Hover over the Service Card feature and click Edit
  • In the toolbar, you will be able to configure Service Settings:


  • Service Picker. Click the Select button to open the pop-up and select a service to display:

  • In the pop-up, hover over the Service item and click it:

  • Сonfirm by clicking the Select button:

  • The selected service will be updated in the Service widget:

  • Image Shape. Allows changing the image shape:
  1. Circle
  2. Square

  • Switches. Configure which data will be displayed on the service cards:
  1. Image
  2. Service name
  3. Short description
  4. Description
  5. Price
  6. Duration

Button Settings

Button settings include several options:

  • Button Text. Specify the text that will appear on the Button:
  • Full Width. Turn on the toggle to stretch the Button for the entire available width of the card:


  • Card Background. Set the Background Color of the service card by clicking the Color square.
  • Card Border. Adjust the color and size of the Border around the service card:

  • Hover Effects. Set the effect for hovering over the service card. The following options are available:
  • Highlight Border;
  • Highlight Background;
  • Highlight Shadow;
  • Scale;
  • Shine;
  • Grayscale;
  • Sepia;
  • Blur.

Please Note: No effects are applied if the toggle is turned off.