Schedule (Ecommerce Subscription)

Please note: Depending on your subscription plan, the Booking functionality may be unavailable for your project. Only subscriptions that include MySchedulr integration will have Booking functionality.

Once you have a subscription that includes eCommerce, you can configure bookings on your website using MySchedulr. First, complete MySchedulr Onboarding in the MySchedulr area of the Online Store:

  • Select the type of services you offer, then click Continue:

  • Fill in some brief business information, then click Continue:

  • Add your business hours, then click Continue:

  • Click Continue to your Dashboard to proceed:

You will see a notification advising you to continue to your dashboard. You can now set up your team members and services.

Please Note:Booking features will appear in the Site Editor after you add your company's services on the MySchedulr dashboard:

The Booking page and widgets will be automatically added to the project in the Site Editor: