Theme: Buttons

Buttons Settings

When you've added  Buttons to your site, you can customize the style of the Buttons.

By default, each template has its own  Buttons style, but you can easily customize it.

Buttons Settings are global and will be applied to all website pages.

Note: Theme Settings will only apply to the features with default settings. If you've already customized one or more Buttons on the website, Theme Settings won't overwrite these customizations.

How to Change Button Style?

Step 1. You can access the Buttons Settings from the left sidebar of the Site Editor by selecting Theme:

Step 2. Hover over the Buttons button and click on it to open the Buttons Settings menu:

There are 5 types of Buttons in Site Editor:
  • Primary solid
  • Secondary solid
  • Primary outline
  • Secondary outline
  • Text

Customizing Button Style

You can easily change each Button style:

1. Make  Button Text Bold, Italic, Underline, or Strikethrough (selected option will be highlighted in blue color):

2. Change  Button Text font, style, and format:

3. Change  Button and Button Text colors:

4. Click on the  Settings icon to:

  • Choose the Button style (Square, With Rounded Corners, Round).
  • Turn on and configure Hover Effects (Fade Out, Scale, Shine, Shadow, Glow, Uplift):

  • Adjust border size (for the Primary and Secondary Outline Button styles only):

To restore the default Button style click on Reset in the Buttons Settings menu:

Confirm your choice by clicking  Yes: