Updating Account Info

Please Note: Depending on the subscription, the appearance and settings of the My Account page may differ.

Accessing My Account Settings

To access your Account settings:

  • Click your name in the top-right corner of the Account Manager:

  • Select My Account:

My Account Section

The My Account section contains your basic information such as a name, email, address, etc. To change or update your data:

  • Click the Edit button and modify the following: First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone, Address, Country, City, State, Postcode/Zip:

  • Click Save to confirm:

Please Note: After you update the email address, you will receive an email confirmation to the old mailbox. Your email address will be updated only upon confirmation from the old one.

Subscription Section

The Subscription section provides information about your subscription:

  • Number of live sites
  • Total number of sites you can create
  • Number of available site pages
  • Storage used and available storage
  • Subscription name

Preferences Section

The Preferences section contains basic information about you, your subscription, and Site Editor settings. You can change:

  • Language
  • Time zone
  • Account usage purpose
  • Email type
  • Email updates

Security Section

The Security section contains login information:

  • Browser used for login
  • Login country and IP address
  • Last login time