Online Store Products in Mobile Editor
Please Note: This article refers to customers with enabled Online Store Builder plans.
Accessing the Product Settings
- Click More at the bottom:
- Proceed to Store:
- Select Product:
- Hover over the Product, and click on the three dots that will appear on the right to Edit, Hide or Delete a product:
Product Tab
In the Products area, you can add new products, manage existing categories, and perform bulk actions with all products:
- Name: Enter or change the name of the product.
- Price: Set the price of the product.
- Category: Select the category to which the product belongs. Please refer to the Online Store Product Categories article to learn more about adding and managing categories.
- SKU: The unique product identifier will be set automatically, but you can always change the value.
- On Sale: Indicate whether the product is currently on sale.
- Require Shipping: Enable this option if the product requires shipping. If shipping is required, enter the product's dimensions (weight, width, height, length) in kilograms/centimeters. Disable the option for digital products.
- Product Availability: Set the product's availability as Visible or Hidden. Hidden products won't be visible to customers in the online store.
- Description: Add a short description of your product.
- Stock Control: Enable stock control functionality to control the availability of products and specify the number of products in stock. If the Unlimited option is enabled, the product will always be available for purchase.
Variants Tab
While adding or editing a product, open the Variants tab.
- Click Add Variant:
- Select a default variant (Size, Color, Material, Condition, Width) or create a custom one:
- If your variant differs from the default, hover over it and click Edit to make adjustments:
- Click the Add Options button at the bottom of the screen to add a custom option:
- Click Save.
Photos Tab
In the Photos tab, you can add a photo to present your product in a store.
- Click Add Item Image to add photos of your product. Locate photos on your computer, and click Open:
- The first added photo will be set as primary, but you can easily switch it by pressing the button Make Primary on another added photo:
- To delete a photo, hover over it and click the Delete button [x] that appears in its top-right corner:
Files Tab (Digital Products Only)
If you have a digital product, you can add a file that will be automatically sent to a customer as soon as you mark your order as paid.
Adding a File
- Drag and drop or browse a file on your computer. Then, click Save to confirm:
- Proceed to the Products tab and turn off the Require Shipping option:
- Your customer will automatically receive the download link for their product at the end of the checkout process once their payment has been sent to you and the order status has been updated to Paid.
Please Note: If the order wasn't paid instantly, your customer will receive a confirmation email that their order is awaiting payment. After the payment is received, proceed to the Orders section and mark the order as Paid:
The customer will automatically get an email with the download link.